Our Life Together Groups are a place where real community is experienced around God’s Word. In these gatherings we can grow in our understanding of God’s great plan for our lives and enjoy authentic fellowship with one another. It’s no fun doing life alone. It’s better when we’re doing life together.
Life [together] Ministry Groups

Host: Todd Baxter
Location: Varies
Date & Time: Varies (Meets once a month)
Group Bio: For Adults & Teens with a passion for the visual arts. How do we as artists use our gifts and talents to bless others while putting a smile on God’s face?

Chosen People Bible Study
Hosts: Jim & Deborah Guy
Location: Faith Café
Date & Time: Mondays, 3PM
Group Bio: Great discussions, prayer time, and sharing with one another as we learn how to apply God’s Word in our lives. Discover how we can influence the world around us as the early church did in their day!

College & Career
Hosts: Joseph Ferreira
Location: Faith Cafe
Date & Time: Sunday’s, 5:30PM
Group Bio: Open for ages 18-29. We are experiencing life and fellowshipping together for those in college or beginning a career!

Faith Kids
Host: Pastor Jessica Dixon
Location: Faith Church Admin building
Date & Time: Sundays, 10AM
Group Bio: Open to all children 0 – 5th grade. We have an exciting time of learning God’s Word.

Homeless Outreach Group
Host: Shekinah Ciccone
Location: The Hope Center & various locations across Rock Hill
Date & Time: Monthly, Saturday mornings
Child Care: None
Group Bio: Open to all. Prepare food & care bags, have Bible Study, and time of prayer with the homeless.

Journey Through the Bible
Host: Sandy Heer
Location: Faith Cafe
Date & Time: Sundays, 9AM
Child Care: None
Group Bio: Discussing the Bible from Genesis to Revelation so we can apply this to our faith journey. Bring your Bible, your doubts, and your questions.

Knowing God
Host: Pastor Kathie Baxter
Location: Baxter Home – Rock Hill
Date & Time: Wednesdays, 7PM
Group Bio: Be strengthened in God through his Holy Spirit by spending time in His Word, in prayer, and with each other.

Media Ministry
Host: Joseph Ferreira
Location: Faith Church
Date & Time: Sunday’s, 7:30AM
Group Bio: This is open to all who want to learn new skills, serve the church, and give their talents back to God.

Men’s Breakfast (Thursdays)
Host: Pastor Matt Shearer
Location: Rock Hill iHop
Date & Time: 1st Thursdays, 7:30AM
Group Bio: Open to all men. A great time of food and fellowship with a short devotional.

Men’s Breakfast (Saturdays)
Host: Pastor Matt Shearer
Location: Faith Cafe
Date & Time: Last Saturday of the Month, 9AM
Group Bio: Open to all men. A great time of food and fellowship with a short devotional.

New Beginnings
Host: Wanda Yarbrough
Location: Faith Church
Date & Time: Mondays, 6:30PM
Group Bio: A support system for widows & widowers, coping with the loss, and how the Scriptures teach us to cope.

Prayer Groups
Hosts: Jane Willis
Location: Faith Church
Date & Time: Fridays, 9:30AM & Sundays, 9:15AM
Group Bio: Open to all. We pray for the needs of the church and the world.

Sharing Your Faith Discipleship Group
Hosts: Donald Dillard
Location: Faith Church
Date & Time: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5:30PM
Group Bio: Let’s grow in our relationship with Jesus!

Sunnyside Of Life
Hosts: Pastor Brian & Kelly Keith
Location: Various
Date & Time: Various
Group Bio: For 55 and up, but open to all to know each other better through fun, food, and fellowship.

Women’s Bible Study (Morning)
Host: Linda Saffron
Location: Faith Café
Date & Time: Wednesdays, 9:30AM (and other events)
Group Bio: Open to all women. Bible study and fellowship (fall through spring), and various other functions.

Women’s Bible Study (Evenings)
Host: Deborah Guy
Location: Deborah Guy’s Home
Date & Time: Tuesdays, 6PM
Group Bio: Open to all Women. Bible study and fellowship.

Youth Got Talent!
Hosts: Pastor Matt & Melody Shearer
Location: Faith Kids
Date & Time: First Sundays, 4:30PM
Group Bio: For grades 6 – 12, to develop and encourage the talents God has given them.

Youth Ministry
Host: Pastor Matt Shearer
Location: Faith Youth Building
Date & Time: Sundays, 5:30PM
Group Bio: Open to all 6th – 12th grade students for a time of life application and fellowship.