The Powell’s began full time ministry with Teen Challenge on August 27, 1990. At the time they were living in Charleston, SC and enjoying raising their two children, Brent age 12 and Mandy age 11. But, they gladly answered a call to join Teen Challenge and moved to the beaches of Myrtle Beach to begin a crisis street ministry. It would become a feeder facility to the already existing Training Center located in Rehrersburg, Pennsylvania. In 1995 The Powell’s received US Missionary status with the Assemblies of God. Their efforts proved successful for 13 years as hundreds of young men found a new way of living through the Teen Challenge Program. Today, a residential facility exists between Conway and Georgetown where young men can find hope and lasting help from their struggles with addiction. This is a monument to the fact that God has been faithful to his promise that He gave the Powell’s on August 27, 1990. “Call upon me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know”. (Jeremiah 33:3)